Sunday, 15 June 2014

'Salt Spray' the musical

'Salt spray' the musical 

I am massive hair style enthusiast and love trying new products in my hair. My hair is very long and heavy and its hard to find a product that for me will really work and 'dose what is says on the label'.Recently i had been hearing a lot of hype around 'sea salt' and texturising sprays and decided to jump on the bandwagon and i can say i have absolutely been loving them! I popped into boots on my last shopping trip and saw that the tony and guy was on 3 for 2, i picked up my favourite shampoo and conditioner and then noticed that tony and guy had there own texturising salt spray and just had to pick it up and I'm so glad i did.

I originally brought the travel size 75ml bottle but went back yesterday to buy the bigger size bottle that it comes in. I am absolutely loving this spray, It adds so much volume,Texture and style to my hair. I especially like it on days were you get up and don't have time to style your hair; i just squirt a few sprays into my hair and it gives me beachy waves its perfect for the summer and i absolutely love it 

This is the smaller bottle of the salt spray that i brought, i  think it was only 2.50 
and the results are absolutely amazing 



This is definitely my new favourite, It uses no heat so is grate for the summer. The only downside i find is that it dries my hair out a bit so i prefer to use it when my hair is 1-2 days old in such as it hasn't been washed for 1-2 days.

Thanks for reading, If anyone has any hair styling products they recommend let me know in the comments have a nice day x

Thursday, 12 June 2014

First Blog Post


Im Jess and i always said to my self that ill start blogging when i get my new computer as it  seemed a better excuse than anything to start blogging. I haven't decided what to blog about or what this blog will be based on but i have a few ideas. Equality is something that I'm a strong believer in and something that i feel is drastically over looked, When someone says to you 'equality' to you you often think nope no there is no such thing as equality. but i can ensure you there is its just the way that you perceive the idea of equality that gives you the opinion that it is non existent but i can assure you that i can give you a completely new view on the idea of equality.

I have always been a passionate writer and expressing my feelings is always something to me that is close to my heart and i am very excepting of other peoples views on my opinion and enjoy deeply discussing peoples views on different topics. I'm just excited to have my own little space on the internet to express and see other peoples opinions on my topics. i also have a deep enthusiasm in photography and makeup so this blog will be a whole host of information for you to delve into

Equality to me isn't about having and experiencing the same opportunities as your peers to me that is entirely a different point that someone is trying to make. To me and i hope many of you although there may not be any, equality is how you perceive and enjoy the things around you and weather you take the most from all the experiences you have the opportunity to experience. Equality is having the same chances to enjoy and take the best out of life. Weather your life be a few short moments or over 100 years i feel that what ever happens to you along the way you should take the most from even if your not aware of it it will sculpt and adapt you in a whole host of ways. I feel that its how you act on your experiences weather good or bad is what determines weather your life is equal to someone else's. Its what you take from the experiences that matters. Along as you feel happy and content with your life then you life is just as equle and anyone else who has decided to take the best and make the best out of every experience and opportunity they get. 

Im to no stretch of the imagination trying to say that people living in some of the most deprived areas of the world have equal opportunities to you or i but what i do find truly inspiring is how they are grateful and make the most of everything they are given and every opportunity they have the chance to enjoy. I find it so inspiring the amount they enjoy life and the true appreciation they have for being alive. To me thats equality the ability to enjoy and take the most from the life we have.

This was something deep to me and not every post will be anything like this but i jay thought that id start with something passionate to me.

image from tumblr; not my sort of thing but i think it enforces my point.